About Us

Illuminate a global community of women

Our Vision

Our vision at A.F.T.A is to illuminate a global community of women empowered to rise from adversity, inspired by Isaiah 60:1. We aim to foster resilience, strength, and sisterhood, enabling each member to achieve her full potential and shine brightly in a world that acknowledges and celebrates her journey.

Together we seek to make meaningful impact

Our Mission

Our mission at A.F.T.A, 'Arise From The Ashes', is to empower and uplift women through the guiding light of God's Word, specifically Isaiah 60:1. We strive to create a safe, nurturing community where every woman feels supported and valued on her journey of personal and spiritual growth. By fostering an environment of love, understanding, and mutual respect, we aim to inspire each member to rise from the ashes of their challenges, embracing their strength and potential. Together, we seek to make a meaningful impact, not just within our community, but in the world around us, as we live out our faith and encourage one another to shine brightly.

Our Core Values

The Team Behind AFTA Women's Ministries

Nadine shorter-graham

Nadine shorter-graham

President of AFTA Women's Ministries

"As a living testimony for Jesus, my desire is to be the answer to someone's prayer, spreading God's love and His word. I strive to always abound in grace, ready to meet the needs of each soul I encounter"

valrine edwards-Harvey

valrine edwards-Harvey

Vice President of AFTA Women's Ministries

"I love worshiping and praising the Lord through song, finding freedom in the act no matter the circumstance. My desire is to inspire others to maintain a heart of worship and praise, trusting that focusing on the Lord aligns everything with His perfect plan. Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made."

venisha frith

venisha frith

Vice President of AFTA Women's Ministries

"With the Holy Spirit's guidance, I am dedicated to restoring the souls of women who have suffered at the hands of adversity. My mission is to help them see themselves through God's eyes. In this life, I am committed to lifting women from the ashes and watching them embrace the beauty they receive in exchange."

Joan Haughton

Joan Haughton

iCare Counselor of AFTA Women's Ministries

"My prayer is to faithfully follow the calling He has given me and to continue the work my mother started. I'm grateful for God's tender mercies and grace. He has called me for such a time as this, preparing His armies to reclaim what the enemy has stolen and to thwart his plans. As a watchman on the wall, I am committed to praying and supporting God's work, always ready to sound the alarm against any threat. To God be the glory forever, amen!"



Chief Administrator of AFTA Women's Ministries

"As a leader, I navigate through His word to serve His purpose of fostering spiritual and physical growth in women and youth. With love, I am dedicated to building their strength and faith."



Vice President of AFTA Women's Ministries

"I cherish delving into the word of God and letting the Holy Spirit enlighten me. My aspiration is to coach and motivate women to reach their highest selves by seeking God’s word. I firmly believe that it is through engaging with God's word and the power of prayer that God reveals our true purpose in the kingdom of heaven."


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